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At all times when representing the Club, players should:

  • Play by the rules – the rules of our club and the laws of the game.

  • Never argue with an umpire or other official – without these people you cannot play football.

  • Control your temper – verbal abuse of officials and sledging of other players does not help you enjoy or win any games.

  • Be a team player – It’s a team game, treat it that way.

  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated – fairly.

  • Co-operate with your coach, the umpires and teammates.

  • Play for your own enjoyment and to improve your skills.

  • Do not use ugly remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability – you will let down your coach, teammates and family if you do and many such comments are actually now illegal.

Players Code of Conduct.pdf

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